Saffyria Ebony
In my teens I can recall playing a computer game that was a monochrome First Person Shooter (FPS) and
a tennis game on the television at a friend's house.
There were a few afternoons spent at Gaming Arcades in the late 1980s to early 1990s (similar to the one you John Connor in during the movie,
Then after many years of no gaming, I started playing video games in my 40s. Here's what happened...
A friend suggested that I try playing a video game to relieve stress and take my mind off some problems
I was having at the time.
With the thoughtful gift of a second-hand game, I started playing Fable on the first Xbox console.
I loved it and have played ever since.
Gamer50Plus is Saffyria's gamertag on Xbox.
Gamer50Plus is a concept that aims to achieve some key objectives.
1. Raise awareness about older video game players.
2. Encourage and validate older players.
3. Provide entertainment through Saffyria's hobby.
4. Provide basic information on how to get started.
5. Provide useful links and information.