Quick tips by Saffyria
Life happens!
Save your game frequently and use the pause function
to give yourself a break when required.
Everyday life has to happen too.
Your game will be in the same place when you return.
Never throw the controller!
Some fights and scenes are just hard, hard, hard...
Remember that games are about mechanics too!
When you study the fight mechanics a bit, you will know how to succeed.
If you break your controller, you will be inconvenienced.
Pause the game, walk away, have a break...
watch a YouTube tutorial and learn how to win.
Or play a different game...
Sometimes games just don't suit us, and that is fine too.
Plan ahead a bit
There will be updates.
New games can take time to load, update or sign up to.
Expect this and plan ahead for it...
especially if you are hoping to play
with a friend or family member.
Quick tips with Saffyria by Ebony, S [Mackie, S] is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0